Friday, November 30, 2007

The War for the minds of Children, Intelligent Design in Polk, Florida

Our pastafarian friends over at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are reporting that another school board is in danger of tilting towards allowing creationism to be taught.

The Polk County School Board in Florida is composed of members, a majority of which would vote to include “intelligent design” in the curriculum.

“My tendency would be to have both sides shared with students since neither side can be proven,” [School Board Member] Tim Harris said.

“I don’t have a conflict with intelligent design versus evolution,” [School Board Member] Sellers said. “The two go together.”

“It crosses the line with people who are Christians,” [School Board Member] Lofton said. “Evolution is offensive to a lot of people.”

Don’t the two on the right look embarrassed to be up there?

While the Pastafarians have sent their theory in for consideration for addition to the curriculum, the real solution is to vote fundamentalists out of positions of influence.

I use the word fundamentalist because when talking about Islamists, I have distinguished between acceptable religious practice and unacceptable religious practice. The difference, endorsed by Salman Rushdie, is the nature of one’s religion. Is it private, personal and subtle? Or public, evangelical, and universal? Do you need, me to follow your rules too?

The School Board members in Polk would have to answer affirmatively to the two last questions. Their religious views, as supported by their own statements, are public. They believe non-believers need to be exposed and limited by their subjective, logically insufficient, scientifically inaccurate, unexamined beliefs. They are therefore in league with Islamists polluting the education of Muslim children in the name of political power.

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