Thursday, November 15, 2007

Life in a Theocracy: Woman Punished After Being Gang Raped

In an attempt to explain the importance of politics, and the remind cynics what is still good about our country, this blog will examine life in theocratic states.

By learning about the backwards and illiberal actions of tyrannical governments that blend religion and politics, we can remind ourselves of what’s at stake if we lose our democratic values.

Today, we examine the story of a 19 year old Saudi girl who was gang raped last week. As it turns out not only is she being punished for being in the car with men alone, but the sentence is being increased since she tried to use international media to help her situation.

She was gang-raped 14 times in the attack, and her punishment was 200 lashes, and a six-month prison sentence.

I don’t know what to feel worse about; her brutal gang-rape, the lack of balanced justice, her punishment… This is what happens with the thumbs of religious dogma are placed on the scales of justice.

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