Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sunni Militia Attacks Al-Qaeda

This article reports that a Sunni militant group attacked an Al-Qaeda compound near Samara in Iraq. This same Sunni group, used to fight against US forces as insurgents. The Sunni Islamic Army of Iraq, killed 18 fighters and captured 16. Sunni Ex-insurgents attacked and killed Sunni terrorists.

Of course there is the reciprocal tragedy of is, the article mentions an anti-Al-Qaeda sheik and his family being killed in a suicide blast, but this may represent a real turning point. Sunni against Sunni violence goes against the typical sectarian lines were used to hearing about in Iraq. The issue between them, transcends religion, it may be about tactics, or about peace and order, or governing styles, but whatever it is, Militant groups are pushing out terrorists.

Is this a good thing? Of course! Is this surprising? ‘Fraid not. Iraq was a relatively secular country before we invaded, at least their government was. Saddam didn’t like the rival influence of fundamentalists and kept them out of his country with force.

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